What is mobile payment ?
Mobile payment is new and rapidly-adopting alternative payment method – especially in Asia and Europe. Instead of paying with cash, check or credit cards, a consumer can use a mobile phone to pay for wide range of services and digital or hard goods such as:
- Music, videos, ringtones, online game subscription or items, wallpapers and other digital goods.
- Transportation fare (bus, subway or train), parking meters and other services
- Books, magazines, tickets and other hard goods.
There are four primary models for mobile payments:
- Premium SMS based transactional payments
- Mobile web payments(WAP)
- Direct Mobile Billing
Premium SMS based transactional payments
This is where the consumer sends a payment request via an SMS text message to a short code
and a premium charge is applied to their phone bill. The merchant involved is informed of the payment success and can then release the paid for goods.
Since a trusted delivery address has typically not been given these goods are most frequently digital with the merchant replying using a Multimedia Messaging Service to deliver the purchased music, ringtones, wallpapers etc.
A Multimedia Messaging Service can also deliver barcodes which can then be scanned for confirmation of payment by a merchant. This is used as an electronic ticket for access to cinemas and events or to collect hard goods.
Transactional payments have been popular in Asia and Europe but are now being overtaken by other mobile payment methods such as mobile web payments (WAP) and Direct Mobile Billing for a number of reasons:
- Poor reliability - transactional payments can easily fail as messages get lost
- Slow speed - sending messages can be slow and it can take hours for a merchant to get receipt of payment. Consumers do not want to be kept waiting more than a few seconds.
- High cost - There are many high costs associated with this method of payment. The cost of setting up short codes and paying for the delivery of media via a Multimedia Messaging Service and the resulting customer support costs to account for the number of messages that get lost or are delayed.
- Low payout rates - operators also see high costs in running and supporting transactional payments which results in payout rates to the merchant being as low as 30%.
- Low follow-on sales - once the payment message has been sent and the goods received there is little else the consumer can do. It is difficult for them to remember where something was purchased or how to buy it again. This also makes it difficult to tell a friend.
Direct Mobile billing
This is where the consumer uses mobile billing option during checkout at an ecommerce site such as an online gaming site to make a payment. After two-factor authentication involving PIN and One-Time-Password, the consumer's mobile account is charged for the purchase. It is true alternative payment method that does not require use of credit/debit cards or pre-registration at online payment solution such as PayPal, thus bypassing banks and credit card companies altogether. This type of mobile payment method, which is extremely prevalent and popular in Asia, provides the following benefits:
- Security - two-factor authentication and risk management engine prevents fraud.
- Convenience - No pre-registration and no new mobile software is required.
- Easy - It's just another option during a checkout process.
- Fast - Most transactions are completed in less than 10 seconds.
- Proven - 70% of all digital content purchased online in some parts of Asia uses Direct Mobile Billing method
This is where the consumer uses web pages displayed or additional application s/he downloaded and installed on his/her mobile phone to make a payment. It uses WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) as underlying technology, thus inherits all the advantages and disadvantages of WAP. However, using a familiar web payment model gives a number of a few proven benefits:
- Follow-on sales where the mobile web payment can lead back to a store or to other goods the consumer may like. These pages have a URL and can be bookmarked making it easy to re-visit or share with friends.
- High customer satisfaction from quick and predictable payments
- Ease of use from a familiar set of online payment pages
However, unless mobile account is directly charged through mobile network operator, use of credit/debit card or pre-registration at online payment solution such as PayPal is still required just as in desktop environment.
Mobile web payment methods are now being mandated by a number of mobile network operators.
A number of different actual payment mechanisms can be used behind a consistent set of web pages.
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